Friday, April 16, 2010

New Portrait Painting

Here is a new portrait painting. I thought I'd put a few progress shots with it. Originally I wanted to put the entire drawing process up with this but after reviewing the pictures I decided otherwise--they were a bit blown out and skewed. I will be better next time and take scans of the drawings. So this begins after the transfer, tone and reinforced lines (with raw umber paint). The painting is "14 x 11"


  1. this is amazing. i feel like a total loser now. thanks. no really thanks! it's inspirational and depressing all at once! on the third image down (the close up) i assume the part around the mouth is underpainting--do u paint into this wet or is this done the previous session before you apply the final pass? does this question make any sense at all? i guess what i am asking is why do you paint the underpainting as you go and not all together before the final pass?
    it's really really beautiful. thanks for posting. i am going to have a drink now. :)

  2. Awesome stuff, Scott! I'd love to see a high-res scan of the final painting too, but maybe that's just getting greedy...

  3. wow! i was always wondering about your portrait painting process. do you always start with a monochrome or do you ever make a thin color statement as well.

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone!
    Carol, I used to paint a little of my underpainting out as I worked on the final pass. It was useful not to have too many approximations and only have the next day's area massed in roughly based on the fully rendered stuff done already. I haven't done that in a while (but I'm thinking about returning to it). What you see here is me trying to fix drawing errors in the mouth that became obvious once I enlarged the drawing. I just happened to do it with masses of color.
    Thanks spikytiger, I will probably put a higher res on my actual website when I get around to updating.
    Brian, I've really tried all approaches. I'm sure there are differences that subtly affect the outcome, but most critical decisions come out of the final pass.
    Thanks for the questions.

  5. Thanks Scott for sharing this.
    Is a beautiful painting indeed.

    I have a couple of question about your process but I think I can wait until your summer workshop :)

    (basically, organization of the palette, value scales, and actual application -lay in- of the paint)

    Thanks again for sharing.
    And thanks again for your post about "Interpreting Form", I'm still thinking about it!

  6. Do you paint faster the better you get?
    Do you find that there is always some distortion when you enlarge a drawing?
    Your work is incredible. Many thanks for taking the time to share it here.
